Hi. A question, when you used to trade on the stock market (Nasdaq & NYSE), how would you do it?

feel free to add your comments in "Other"

How long has been your trading experience in stock market ?

If you trade, through which app do you currently use? *

If you trade, which broker platform do you use? *

If you're interested by the videoconference Zoom or on YouTube, how often you want to go?

How long should be the duration of a live streaming session ?

If you take part to the videoconference Zoom, when are you available ? (The choices of time are in UTC, or Greenwich time, please check your time zone)

Again, please check the time difference with your country, since this is UTC time.

If you use a site specializing in automatic trading on the stock market, how much would you be willing to pay a subscription ?

How much are you ready to invest into the stock markets?

What is the optimal duration of the hold time of a stock, according to you?

How old are you?

Which country are you living in?

Are you a man or woman?

What is your professional category?

Your target ROI (return on investment) about the stock markets?

Which stock markets are you trading on?

Thank you for complete the survey. This is my website tickerwiz.com which has been designed to help people to trade on the stock markets NYSE, NASDAQ by using the trade-bots' technical analysis calculations on each company's trend on the stock market. The trade-bots' forecasts make you successful on the stock markets. If you'd like to know more, just write down your email address below, I can send you back news.

What is your name and email address ? (Thank you again !)